Anthropology of Kinship

posfácio de Armando Marques Guedes ao livro de Paulo Duarte intitulado Metamorfoses no Poder. Rumo à Hegemonia do Dragão?

History / Military History / Economic History / Sociology / Asian Studies / Strategy (Military Science) / Economics / Development Economics / International Relations / Political Economy / Philosophy / Education / Southeast Asian Studies / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Chinese Studies / Tibetan Studies / Political Science / Central Asian Studies / Southeast Asia / Taiwan Studies / China / Anthropology of Kinship / Military and Politics / China studies / Central Asia / South China Sea / The South China Sea dispute / Chinese Navy / America's Pivot to Asia / Strategy (Military Science) / Economics / Development Economics / International Relations / Political Economy / Philosophy / Education / Southeast Asian Studies / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Chinese Studies / Tibetan Studies / Political Science / Central Asian Studies / Southeast Asia / Taiwan Studies / China / Anthropology of Kinship / Military and Politics / China studies / Central Asia / South China Sea / The South China Sea dispute / Chinese Navy / America's Pivot to Asia

Casamento na township: Um estudo sobre as transformações estéticas do ritual

Anthropology / Anthropology of Kinship / Ritual (Anthropology) / South Africa

The Segmentary Lineage System: It\'s Applicability to Pakistan\'s Political Structure

Middle East Studies / Political Anthropology / Anthropology of Kinship

A Herança da Roça: o uso da terra e a dinâmica do parentesco em comunidades do médio Solimões

Peasant Studies / Land tenure / Amazonia / Anthropology of Kinship / Ownership

A Festa da Moça Nova - TESE DE DOUTORADO

Ethology / Music / Anthropology / Social Anthropology / Social Sciences / Ethnomusicology / Kinship (Anthropology) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Ritual / Organology / Anthropology of Kinship / Ritual (Anthropology) / Cultural Anthropology / Ritual Theory / Rites of Passage / Ritual Studies / Amerindian Perspectivism / South American Indians / Rituals / Mithology / Perspectivism / Cultural and Social Anthropology / Songs / Ritual Practices / Ethnomusicology, Anthropology of music, Organology / Ethnomusicology / Kinship (Anthropology) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Ritual / Organology / Anthropology of Kinship / Ritual (Anthropology) / Cultural Anthropology / Ritual Theory / Rites of Passage / Ritual Studies / Amerindian Perspectivism / South American Indians / Rituals / Mithology / Perspectivism / Cultural and Social Anthropology / Songs / Ritual Practices / Ethnomusicology, Anthropology of music, Organology

\"Se você quiser me lobolar\" - Considerações sobre o lobola na África do Sul contemporânea

African Studies / Anthropology / Kinship (Anthropology) / Anthropology of Kinship / Women and Gender Studies / South Africa

Um lugar para os espíritos: os sentidos do movimento desde um povoado haitiano

Mobility/Mobilities / Magic / Family / Haiti / Migration Studies / Anthropology of Kinship / Space and Time (Philosophy) / Vodou / Anthropology of Kinship / Space and Time (Philosophy) / Vodou


Anthropology / Visual Anthropology / Photography / Anthropology of Kinship

Crescendo pessoas, relações e lugares: experiências cabo-verdianas sobre família e mobilidade * Growing People, Relations and Places: Cape Verdean Experiences about Family and Mobility. Cadernos Pagu, v. 45, p. 111-133, 2015.

Gender Studies / Kinship (Anthropology) / Migration / Anthropology of Gender / Gender / International Migration / Migration Studies / Anthropology of Kinship / Transnational migration / Contemporary International Migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Italy / Cape Verde / Cabo Verde / Género / Estudos de Gênero (Gender Studies) / Women and Migration / Familia / Parentesco / Women and migrations / Migração feminina. / Organização Familiar E Parentesco / International Migration / Migration Studies / Anthropology of Kinship / Transnational migration / Contemporary International Migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Italy / Cape Verde / Cabo Verde / Género / Estudos de Gênero (Gender Studies) / Women and Migration / Familia / Parentesco / Women and migrations / Migração feminina. / Organização Familiar E Parentesco

De parentes, vizinhos e amigos: uma conversa com João de Pina-Cabral

Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Spirituality / Biography / Brazil / Anthropology of Kinship / Household Economics / Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology) / Portugal / Brasil / Anthropology of Kinship / Household Economics / Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology) / Portugal / Brasil

Materialização das relações de parentesco na Mongólia 1 Materializing Mongolian Kinship relations

Kinship (Anthropology) / Anthropology of Kinship / Mongolia / Materliality

CCarvalho - Fluidos corporais materia fantasma e simbolo (2008).

Gender Studies / Political Philosophy / Applied Ethics / Sexual and Reproductive Health / Gender and Sexuality / Medical Ethics / Anthropology of Kinship / Social and Political Philosophy / Assisted Reproductive Technologies / Medical Ethics / Anthropology of Kinship / Social and Political Philosophy / Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Algo a Fazer: oicogênese e arquitetura no Vale de Araotz (País Basco)

Basque Studies / Vernacular Architecture / Anthropology of Kinship / Heritage Politics (Anthropology) / Anthropology of Architecture / Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology) / Cultural Heritage and Ethnology/anthropology Research / Patrimonio Cultural / Antropologia del País Vasco / Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology) / Cultural Heritage and Ethnology/anthropology Research / Patrimonio Cultural / Antropologia del País Vasco
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